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MO 21 Shopping and selling; Money

1. Do you like shopping? Why / Why not?
2. Where can you do shopping? Mention various types of shops and say what you can buy in each of them.
3. What is “everyday shopping“? Who does everyday shopping for your family? Where? How often? What do you usually buy?
4. What can we do with the money?
5. What do we spend the money on?
6. Speak about your budget. What do you spend your money on? What do you save up for?
7. What services do you know? Which of them do you use? What for?

Types of shops:
street market, local shop / corner shop, specialist shop, supermarket, hypermarket, department store, shopping mall, shopping centre

Butcher´s (meat, meat products, ham, sausages, frozen food…)
Baker´s (bread, rolls, cakes, pies…)
Dairy (milk products = dairy products)
Grocer´s (food in general)
Greengrocer´s (fruit and vegetables)
Confectioner´s / Sweet shop (sweets, ice-cream, chocolate)
Fishmonger´s (fish)
DIY = Do-It-Yourself shop (=potřeby pro kutily)
Florist´s – flowers and plants
Toyshop  (toys, dolls, Teddy bears, jigsaw puzzles, wooden toys, cars)
Ironmonger´s  (metal goods)
Stationery (paper products, office supplies)
Newsagent´s (newspapers and magazines)
Tobacconist´s (cigarettes and tobacco)
Jeweller´s (jewellery)
Electrical appliances
Chemist´s (AmE drugstore) (toothpaste, detergents, soap, washing powder etc, but also: medicines and ointments)

Money phrases:
earn money  / make money
inherit money - zdědit
lose money – přijít o, ztratit, prohrát
win money / lose money
get money  / receive money - obdržet
spend money on – utratit za
save money / save up  for – šetřit / šetřit si na
put money into a bank account  - uložit peníze na účet
take money out of (my) savings account – vybrat (si) peníze ze spořícího účtu
pay  for – platit za
pay the bill – zaplatit účet
pay in cash  - platit hotově
pay by credit card
owe money – dlužit
arrange for a bank loan – zařídit si půjčku
give (the) money away to a charity
lend money to somebody – půjčit někomu
borrow money from somebody – vypůjčit si od někoho
invest money in something – investovat do
defraud money - zpronevěřit
steal money
counterfait money - padělat
mean  - lakomý
generous - štědrý
be short of money – být bez peněz

ask for a discount – požádat o slevu
look for special offers – hledat „akce“
It´s a bargain! - To je výhodná koupě!

dry cleaner´s  - čistírna
laundry - prádelna
hairdresser´s - kadeřník
beauty salon
fitness centre
tailor´s shop - krejčí
estate agent´s – realitní agent
travel agent´s
shoe repair shop
car repair shop / garage
petrol station / filling station (AmE)
post services
veterinary doctor / vet
fire fighters
skilled workers: plumber (instalatér), electrician, mechanic, shoe mender (opravář obuvi), wall painter, tailor (krejčí)

Ve spojení se službami se používá tato vazba:
have something done (= 3. tvar!) =´dát si něco udělat

Např. have a new dress made = dát si ušít nové šaty
          have a coat dry-cleaned – dát si vyčistit kabát
We must have the windows cleaned. Musíme si dát vyčistit okna.
I´m going to have my shoes repaired / mended. Dám si spravit boty.

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