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MO 18 Food and eating habits; At a restaurant

1. What are the usual daily meals in our country? Speak briefly about each of them.
2. What and how do they like eating in Great Britain and the USA?
3. What is the typical menu on special days (Christmas etc.) both in the Czech Republic and in Britain / in the USA?
4. What is your favourite meal and drink? What are you able to cook?
5. On what occasions and where do people dine out? What do they usually eat and drink?
6. Describe a visit to a restaurant.
7. What do we call “a healthy diet“? Speak about good and bad eating habits.

Useful vocabulary:
food = jídlo (jídlo jako celek, potraviny)
meal = jídlo (vyrobené z potravin, udělané, pokrm)
dish = jídlo (konkrétní pokrm / jídlo na talíří, dish = nádoba)
course = chod (a three-course meal)
kitchen = kuchyň (místnost)
cuisine / cooking = kuchyně (způsob vaření)

Ad 1) and 2)

CR:  a light meal, usually bread and butter, rolls with cheese or ham, cakes, cereal(s),  cornflakes etc., cocoa, milk, tea, coffee
GB:  the typical English breakfast consists of ham and eggs, sausages, tomatoes, kippers, (several pieces of) toast, fruit juice, several cups of tea
This breakfast is eaten only on special days (Sundays, holidays…)
On weekdays they usually eat cereal(s) or toast with jam or marmalade and drink fruit juice and tea.

Pozor: slovo toast  ve významu topinka  je nepočitatelné: I usually have toast for breakfast. I usually have two pieces of toast for breakfast.
(a toast = přípitek!!!)

a small meal in the morning (eaten at school or at work) – usually a sandwich, some fruit, a tub of joghurt…

CR: the main meal of the day, it consists of three courses – soup, the main dish and a dessert
Soup: broth (vývar) with rice or noodles, thick soup (zeleninová / hustá / bílá  polévka)
The main dish: usually a piece of meat (pork, beef, chicken, fish) and potatoes, rice, pasta, Bohemian dumplings, vegetables
Dessert: stewed fruit (kompot), pudding, yoghurt, ice cream, biscuits, a piece of cake…
GB: a light meal: fish and chips or some sandwiches

GB: a light afternoon meal - traditionally tea + cucumber sandwiches or scones (čajové koláčky)  taken at 5 o´clock

CR: a warm or a cold dish, light or square (vydatný)
GB:  the main meal of the day, 3 courses: grapefruit / soup + the main dish (meat + potatoes and vegetables) + dessert

GB: a light evening meal

Ad 2)
The British don´t like cooking very much. Their cuisine is said to be boring and not tasty. But they like eating ethnic food: the Chinese, Indian, Thai, Italian and Mexican foods are the most popular. You can go to many ethnic restaurants or take-aways.
The most typical English fast-food meal is fish and chips.

The Americans have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. They don´t like eating at home, they prefer going to restaurants.
The Americans invented fast-food restaurants. They are very popular all over the world, because they are fast, cheap and they are everywhere. They offer the same things all over the world. The most famous fast-food restaurant is McDonald´s.
The Americans are very keen junk-food eaters: they eat tons of popcorn, millions of hamburgers and hot dogs and drinks gallons of cola. No wonder that they are so fat.

Ad 3)
Traditional Christmas Eve Menu in the CR: fish soup / fried carp and potato salad / Christmas cookies / fruit and nuts / coffee / wine…
Christmas dinner in GB: roast turkey, roast potatoes, vegetables, Christmas pudding

Traditional meals in the CR:
roast pork with dumplings and cabbage / sauerkraut (vepřo-knedlo-zelo)
sirloin in cream sauce (svíčková)
pork schnitzel (vepřový řízek)
sweet plum dumplings (švestkové knedlíky)
apple strudel (jablečný závin)

Ad 5) – 6)
The Czechs usually eat in  because the meals in restaurants are expensive, but if there is a reason to celebrate, they like eating out.  Young people are ready to spend a lot of money on meals in restaurants and fast-foods.
They like ethnic food too: Chinese food and the Italian pizza and pasta are very popular.
Recently, barbecuing has been very popular.
If there is a reception (like a wedding reception), people like having a big meal including a toast (a glass of aperitif), an appetizer / starter (AmE) and – after the meal – a digestif.

People can eat out in a restaurant, a pub, a bar, a café, coffe-bar, etc.
Useful phrases:
reserve a table
sit down at a table
study the menu / choose meals from the menu
order meals and drinks
ask the waiter for the bill
settle the bill
leave (the waiter) a tip

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