What are the most burning problems in the world today?
What is the crime? What types of crime do you know? Why do people commit crimes?
What are drugs? Why do people take them?
What is “a multicultural society“? What are the problems of multicultural societies?
Why do people emigrate? Speak about the reasons for emigrating.
Ad 1)
There have always been problems in the world like poverty, disease, natural hazards, crime or war. In the past, the problems were often local. Today, many problems are global.
There are several types of the most burning (nejpalčivější) problems in today´s world:
Political problems
Fights, civil wars and wars
intolerance and xenofobia, racism (problems of multicultural societies)
terrorism (solving political problems using violence)
unemployment (very high in some regions, lack of job opportunities)
poverty and hunger
disbalance of economic development
Europe + North America - rich, highly developed, modern, use advanced technologies, high living standard
Africa, Asia, South America – poor, underdeveloped, low living standard, dependent on the help of the rich – millionaries, charities etc.
natural hazards (flood, drought, hurricanes …)
climate changes (global warming, the greenhouse effect…)
bad accidents (plane crashes, oil tanker disasters, fires of oil refineries, accidents (havárie) in chemical factories and nuclear power plants,…)
social and cultural
bad living conditions (slums)
bad education (work instead of school)
bad medical care (no vaccination, no prevention, many children die)
growth of world population (some parts of the world are overpopulated)
dangerous diseases (AIDS, flu…)
crime (high criminality rate in some regions)
drugs, gambling, alcoholism etc.
workoholism, computer addiction etc.
Ad 2)
The crime is a bad deed (skutek, čin), something against the law.
If you do something against the law, you break the law (porušit, přestoupit zákon), you commit a crime (spáchat zločin).
You are a criminal.
If you suffer from a crime, you are a victim (oběť).
The police (or the detectives) investigate the crime.
They look for evidence and fingerprints, question (vyslýchat) the witnesses (svědci) and the suspects (podezřelí).
They catch and arrest (= take prisoner) the most probable offender (pachatel). He / She is accused of the crime (obviněný z trestného činu).
Then, the trial (proces, soud) starts.
If he / she is found guilty (shledán vinným), the judge (soudce) sentenses (odsoudí) him / her to prison.
Kinds of crime:
to murder
a murderer
to kidnap
a kidnapper
únos (např. dítěte)
taking somebody hostage
to take sb. hostage
a hostage
vzetí jako rukojmí
to hijack
a hijacker
únos (např. letadla)
to rape
a rapist
a terrorist
drug dealing
deal drugs
a drug dealer
to smuggle
a smuggler
to deceive
a fraud
to blackmail
a blackmailer
to steal
a thief, a pickpocket
to rob: rob a bank
a robber
to steal from a shop
a shoplifter
krádež v obchodě
burglary / housebreaking
to burgle: burgle a house
a burgler
vloupání se (do domu)
to mug
a mugger
loupežné přepadení
to counterfeit
a counterfeiter
to bully
a bully
happy slapping
to attack, to slap
a happy-slapper
napadení a zbití někoho a současné natáčení na mobil a poté umístění záznamu na internet
Ad 3)
Drugs are substances (látky) that people use to feel happy and full of energy or to relax their mind and body. Some drugs are very strong and dangerous. People who take illegal drugs are called drug users. They are soon not able to stop taking drugs. They become drug addicts.
The person who sells illegal drugs is called a drug dealer. Drug dealing is a crime.
An addict = podstatné jméno - závislý člověk
Addicted to = přídavné jméno – závislý na
Ad 4)
Multicultural society
A multicultural society is a society in which various cultures and minorities (= ethnic, religious and other groups) live together. Great Britain or the USA are examples of multicultural societies.
People from different cultures create communities according to their nation, religion etc. They keep their traditions alive. They celebrate their festivals, speak their own languge, sing their songs, or eat their meals.
In some countries, minorities live together on friendly terms, in other countries, there is tension or there are even fights (as e.g. in Northern Ireland, in Spain, in India, in some African countries etc.).
Peaceful life in multicultural societies is possible only if there is tolerance, respect for each other´s values, traditions, habits and preferences.
It is rude to laugh at other people´s colour of skin, sexual orientation. It is impolite to make bad jokes about people from other cultures. It can lead to misunderstanding and can cause serious problems.
Ad 5)
Reasons for emigrating
(New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate, U32, Tapescript) – adapted
There are many reasons why people emigrate.
Some people want to learn about different ways of life. Living and working in another country is the best way to do this.
Very rich people, like sports stars, sometimes live in another country because they don´t want to pay high taxes.
For the majority of people, however, emigration is not a free choice.
Probably the most common reason for emigrating is to look for work in a richer country. This is because of high unemployment in their own country.
Some people have to emigrate for political reasons: they want to escape persecution. They seek asylum in a free democratic state.
Another reason people have to emigrate is often after a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or flood.
Finally some people have to emigrate to escape from a dangerous situation such as war. These emigrants have to leave their homes to save their lives.
There are many reasons why people emigrate.
Some people leave their home because they want to.
The reasons for that are called pull factors.
They are e.g.
better job opportunities
well-paid jobs
better education
better medical care
family reasons
Some people leave their homes because they have to.
The reasons for that are called push factors.
They are e.g.
fights or war
persecution for political reasons
religious and other intolerance
poverty and famine
natural disasters