1. Describe the human body.
2. What do we use the body parts for? Fill in the table below.
3. Which diseases and basic injuries do you know? Which of them have you already had?
4. Describe the symptoms of flu (influenza). What should we do to recover soon? What shouldn´t we do?
5. Describe a visit to a doctor´s. Who treats you and where?
6. What do you do for your health?
7. What is “a healthy lifestyle“?
Ad 1) a 2) http://www.learnenglish.de/vocabulary/body.htm
What What for? what What for?
eyes see ears hear
brain teeth
tongue nose
nerves lungs
arms and hands legs and feet
heart stomach
Make sentences:
We use eyes to see things and people around us.
We use ears to hear noises and sounds.
Ad 3) - pozor: s některými nemocemi se používají členy, s jinými ne:
Have a bad cold / suffer from diabetes (trpět čím)
Feel well / fine
I am feeling dizzy. – Točí se mi hlava, mám závrať.
tired /terrible
I feel / am off colour. – Nejsem ve své kůži.
a bad cold – nachlazení: I´ve cought a bad cold.
a cough – kašel
a runny nose - rýma
flu / influenza – chřipka
a sore throat
tonsilitis - angína
pneumonia – zápal plic
tuberculosis / TB – tuberkulóza
rash – vyrážka
pain – bolest
ache – bolest
a headache – bolest hlavy
a stomach ache
a neckache
a back ache
sore eyes
a heart attack – infarkt
a stroke – mrtvice
appendicitis – zánět slepého střeva
cancer – rakovina
diabetes – cukrovka
allergy to – alergie (na)
hangover – kocovina
food poisoning
diarrhoea – průjem
vomit / throw up - zvracet
children´s diseases – dětské nemoci:
chicken pox - plané neštovice
measles – spalničky
mumps - příušnice
German measles – zarděnky
Basic injuries
a bump (boule)
a bruise (modřina, podlitina, pohmožděnina)
a cut (řezná rána)
a fracture (zlomenina)
a burn (popálenina)
a bite (kousnutí)
a sprain (vyvrknutí, výron): a sprained ankle / a twisted ankle
a swelling (otok) – a swollen knee
You put a plaster on a cut. = náplast
You dress the wound (= clean it and put a bandage on it). = ošetřit ránu, obvaz
The doctor puts the plaster on your broken leg. = sádra
The doctor (surgeon) stitches a bad cut. = sešít
The surgeon operates on you if necessary. = operovat (pozor na předložku v AJ!)
Ad 4)
Symptoms of flu:
You feel sick and tired.
You may lose your appetite.
Your body aches.
You have a temperature or even a fever.
You have a runny nose.
You have to blow your nose frequently.
You suffer from dry cough and a sore throat.
You sweat.
You may even throw up.
What should we do to recover from flu?
The most people recover in a few days and they do not need to see a doctor.
• Rest and stay at home.
• Make sure your room is warm and well ventilated.
• Drink plenty of non-alcoholic drinks.
• Do not smoke.
• Eat foods high in vitamin C (such as fruit) and carbohydrates (such as pasta and potatoes).
• Use paracetamol to help reduce fever, aches and pains.
• Suck throat lozenges or gargle salty water to ease sore throats.
• Think twice before using any medicines. Check that they are good for you.
• Do not rush back into everyday activities.
• If you are in a high risk group, or if you think you are seriously ill, go to the doctor´s.
Ad 5)
At the doctor´s
- You go to the doctor´s (= you see a doctor) when you are not well, you are ill, you suffer from pain, or you have got hurt.
- You go to the GP (= General Practitioner), to a specialist, to (a) hospital.
- You explain what´s wrong with you, describe the symptoms of your illness.
The doctor examines (=vyšetří) you:
- He takes your temperature.
- He listens to your heartbeat and lungs.
- He takes your pulse and blood pressure.
- He looks at your throat.
- He checks your belly.
- He takes a blood sample...
The doctor diagnoses your illness, prescribes you a medicine and recommends what to do. If necessary he refers (= pošle) you to a specialist or to hospital.
The doctor treats (= ošetří) and cures (=léčí) you.
Paramedic = member of the ambulance crew
Surgeon – operates on you
Nurse – takes care of you in hospital / in the surgery
GP = General Practitioner – a family dotor
Dentist – repairs your teeth
Ad 6) Use these phrases to speak about a healthy lifestyle:
Go on a diet / eat a healthy diet
cut down / avoid sweets, avoid fatty foods
eat enough fruit and egetables
(not to) eat junk food ¨
eat regularly / eat small portions of food at a time / overeat
be obese / be slim: manage your weight / lose your weight
be a couch potato / screen potato / be lazy
be optimistic / pessimistic
be a workoholic / be addicted to work
go to the dentist regularly/ have a medical check-up regularly
have enough sleep / relax regularly and effectively
keep fit / do exercises /do sports / walk instead of driving / go jogging, swimming
think positive, manage stress, have some fun every day
do hobbies / go out with friends
keep a pet
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