1. What is our school like? Why have you chosen it? Speak about its present-day life.
2. Describe the school building.
3. Describe a typical classroom.
4. Describe our language lab.
5. Speak about our English lessons.
6. Which subjects do you study here? Which of them are you / bad at?
Which of them do you / don´t you like? Why?
7. Describe your usual school day.
8. Speak about your maturita exam.
9. What is a good / bad student like? What is a good / bad teacher like?
10. Speak about the education systems in
• the Czech Republic
• Great Britain
• the USA.
About our school: Factfile
Name (The) Secondary School of Electrical Engineering
History founded in 1984 as a Secondary Technical School, provided education in electrical and mechanical engineering
Type of school state school (free of charge)
technical school (= odborná škola - it provides education in electrical engineering, automation, computer science, programming, IT etc.)
Length of study 4 grades (Years 1 – 4)
Branches Electronic Computer Systems
Automation Technology
Information Technology
Technical Lyceum (Technical Lycee)
there will be new branches from September 2010
Students About 600 pupils (students), 15 – 19 years old, mostly boys
Graduation the school leaving examination called maturita taken in 5 subjects
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