Hledejte v chronologicky řazené databázi studijních materiálů (starší / novější příspěvky).

Building and equipment:

a three-storey building, in a residential area, next to the local health centre
built in the 1950s, originally an elementary school for the children from the new housing estate Malešice

classrooms, corridors, a large cloakroom (šatna) with lockers (skříňky), school canteen (jídelna)

school library, workshops, labs / language labs, classrooms equipped with  modern audio- and video equipment  and PCs

headmaster´s office, deputy heads´  offices (kanceláře zástupkyň ředitele)
teachers´ offices (kabinety), staffroom (sborovna)

2 gyms and a fitness room
football pitch, volleyball court, athletic track
People in our school
headmaster, deputy head (zástupce ředitele), teacher, caretaker (školník), student, pupil, librarian, cloakroom attendant (šatnář), cook

My school day
viz MO 8 / My daily programme

Useful vocabulary:
Going to school
go to school / attend school
school year = 2 terms
holidays: summer holidays, half-term holidays (pololetní) …
lesson / class / period = vyučovací hodina
break, lunchbreak
subject = (školní) předmět
textbook, coursebook, exercise book

learn (učit se) x teach (vyučovat)
learn for school
study / revise for an exam  - učit se na zkoušku
do / sit (for) an exam / take an exam – dělat zkoušku: např. take a physics exam
pass / fail an exam  = udělat / neudělat zkoušku
do written / spoken / practical test
get a mark for (an essay) – dostat známku z
report – vysvědčení, zpráva o prospěchu
homework: do homework (nepočitatelné!)
hand homework in – odevzdat domácí úkol(y)
make mistakes
correct mistakes – opravovat chyby
cheat – podvádět, opisovat
work hard
school rules – školní řád: follow / break school rules (dodržovat / porušovat školní řád)
play truant (chodit za školu, ulejvat se)

learn to drive a car
learn how to drive a car
learn about African tribes

learn slowly / be a slow learner
learn quickly / be a quick learner
be brilliant at / good at / clever at / bad at / hopeless at chemistry
learn by heart = učit se zpaměti

subjects: easy, difficult, interesting, boring…

prepare lessons, research information for the lessons
explain problems / give explanations
discuss problems with the students
help the students if they need it
set homework – zadávat domácí úkoly
check homework / tests / exams – opravovat
mark homework / tests / exams - známkovat

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