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MO 7 Prague; Asking the way

1) Speak about the history of Prague.
2) Speak about the importance of Prague.
3) Give examples of building styles that can be seen in Prague, give examples of buildings and say a few words about three of them.
4) Speak about your life in Prague. What are the pros and cons of life in Prague? Compare it with life in the country (in a smaller town, in a village).
5) What are the most important traditional events in Prague?
6) Where do you like going in Prague? Why?
7) Recommend somebody where to… in Prague
spend an exciting evening (supposed your money is not limited)
find out about animals
see a classical theatre performance
spend a rainy afternoon
do something for your health
go for a romantic walk
see paintings
find help in case of health problems
go shopping for designer clothes / software / hardware / textbooks

Asking the way / Giving directions

1. Describe the way from your home to our school.
2. Describe the location of  (= Where is it?)
the Dancing House
the National Museum
the National Theatre
our school
3. You are in front of the National Museum in Prague.  Somebody is asking you the way to
the National Theatre
Sazka Arena
Bohemians Football Stadium
our school
Anděl.  Tell them how to get there.


Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. It is situated in the middle of Bohemia along both banks of the river Vltava. Its population is about 1.2 million.
Prague is the real heart of the republic. Almost all national institutions have their seats here.
It is also a busy centre of culture, science and education. It is important both for the national economy and international contacts.
Prague is the venue of many political, cultural and sporting events.
Prague  was founded in the late 9th century. It was the seat of the Czech princes and kings.
There were two important periods in its history:
The first one was in the middle of the fourteenth century under the Roman Emperor Charles IV. He founded the New Town of Prague, started to build St Vitus Cathedral, built a bridge across the Vltava River (now called Charles Bridge) and in 1348, he founded the oldest university in Central Europe.
The other period started when the Habsburg Emperor Rudolf II made Prague his  seat. He loved arts and collected paintings, statues and everything that was worth collecting. He invited many artists (and alchemists) to Prague and made the town a busy and beautiful place. But after his death, Prague became a provincial town.

Great changes started in the latter half of the 19th century: the fortifications were pulled down, old houses were demolished and new blocks of flats were built. Public transport and electric lighting were introduced.
In 1918 Prague became the capital of the Czechoslovak Republic and it has been the venue of the most important events since then (in 1918, 1948, 1968 and 1989).
Now, Prague is a modern city visited by thousands of tourists every year. They admire the sights of the town, e.g. Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, The Old Town Hall and its Astronomical Clock and many others.

5 historical parts of Prague: the Old Town including Josefov ( the former Jewish ghetto), the Lesser Town (Quarter),  Hradčany, the New Town, Vyšehrad

Building Styles:
The Romanesque Style: cellars of many houses in the Old Town, several rotundas and churches e.g. St. George´s Basilica
The Gothic Style: St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, the Old Town Bridge Tower, the Church of Our Lady Before Týn
The Renaissance Style: the Queen Anne´s Summerhouse (the Belvedere), Vladislaus Hall at Prague Castle, many mansions decorated with the typical sgraffiti ornamentation
The Baroque Style: Wallenstein Palace, The Church of St. Nicholas in the Lesser Town / in the Old Town, the Loretto Church
The Art Nouveau Style: the Municipal House, the main  Railway Station
Contemporary  architecture:  the house At the Virgin Mary in Black in Celetná Street (Cubism), the Fair Palace (Constructivism), the Dancing House (modern architecture)

Vocabulary and Phrases: Asking the way / Giving directions

Otázku “Jak se dostanu…?” začínáme vždy  ”Excuse me….”

Fráze jsou většinou z knihy Situational Dialogues (Michael Ockenden).

Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Main Railway Station is?

Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Main Railway Station?

Excuse me. I´m trying to find the way to the Main Railway Station.

Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Main Railway Station, please?

How do I get to…
How can I get to…?
What´s the best way to…?

Excuse me, I´m lost.
Excuse me, I´m new here.

Use the following phrases to give directions:

Go  straight on / keep straight on
Go straight on until you come to / get to… Jděte pořád rovně
Jděte pořád rovně až přijdete k …
Go as far as the bridge Jděte až k mostu
Go / walk along Green Street
Follow the street until you get to…
Follow the road for about 100m Jděte po Zelené ulici
Jděte ulicí až se dostanete k…
Jděte po ulici asi 100m...
Go up / down the street Jděte nahoru / dolů ulicí
Turn left / turn right into Green Street Zahněte doleva / doprava do Zelené ulice
Turn round at the traffic lights Otočte se u semaforu
Take the first turning / road  (on the) left / right Zahněte první ulicí doleva / doprava
Cross the street at the zebra-crossing Přejděte ulici na přechodu
Pass the square Přejděte / Jděte kolem náměstí
On the left you will see… Nalevo uvidíte…
Continue to the square Pokračujte k náměstí
There´a butcher´s shop on the left / right / opposite the Lloyd´s Bank. Nalevo od / napravo od Lloyd´s bank / naproti Lloyd´s Bank je řeznictví.
On / at the corner na rohu
just around the corner hned za rohem
at the intersection na křižovatce
It´s straight ahead Je (to) přímo před vámi
Go past the church Jděte kolem kostela

Further phrases:
Is it far?   Je to daleko?
No, it´s only about five minutes´  walk. Ne, jen asi pět minut chůze.
Will it take me long to get there? Bude mi trvat dlouho, než se tam dostanu?
No, it´s no distance at all. Ne, není to vůbec daleko.
Should I take a bus? Měl bych jet autobusem?
No, you can walk it in under six minutes. Ne, ujdete to za méně než šest minut.
Is it too far to walk? Je to pěšky moc daleko?
No, it´s within easy reach. Ne, je to pár kroků odtud.
Ask again. You´d better ask again. Ještě se zeptejte. Radši byste se měl ještě jednou zeptat.
You can´t miss it. Nemůžete to minout.

Thank you.  You´re welcome.
Thank you.   That´s OK.
Many thanks. Not at all.
Thank you very much indeed.  That´s quite all right.
Thanks very much.  It´s a pleasure.

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