1. Where do people live? What types of houses do you kow?
2. Where do you live? Speak about your flat / house (type, location, neighbourhood, rooms, advantages / disadvantages) What do you like / dislike about it?
3. What do you usually do in each room? What pieces of furniture do you have in each of the rooms? What other things are there? What do you use these things for? What electronic appliances have you got at home? What do you use them for?
4. Where would you like to live in the future? Why?
5. What are the most typical types of houses in Great Britain and in the USA like?
6. Compare life in the town and in the country. Speak especially about Prague.
7. Lifestyles. How do people live today? What do they live for?
Useful Vocabulary:
Types of houses:
detached house (dům – samostatně stojící)
semi-detached house (dvojdomek)
terraced house (řadový dům)
cottage (chalupa)
bungalow (bungalow, přízemní domek)
block of flats / apartment house (AmE) (činžovní dům, panelák)
tower block (věžák)
skyscraper (mrakodrap)
Location: Where do you live?
in the centre of the town
in a residential neighbourhood (obytná čtvrť)
on the outskirts (na okraji města)
in the suburbs (na předměstí)
in a small village
in a housing estate (na sídlišti)
Parts of a house: What parts does a house / a flat consist of?
ceiling (strop)
roof (střecha)
chimney (komín)
door / front door / entrance
balcony, terrace
floor: ground floor, first floor, downstairs, upstairs
stairs / staircase, landing (odpočívadlo)
Around the house: What is around a house?
garden: front garden, back garden, yard
fence, hedge
Rooms (you can use the web page below)
living room / sitting room
children´s bedroom
dining room
basement (suterén, sklep)
cellar (sklep)
attic (podkroví), loft (podkroví, půda)
Make a list of typical things / electronic appliances in each room:
Room Typical things / electronic appliances
living room
children´s bedroom
What do we do there? What do we use these rooms for?
Room Typical acitivites / Typical use
kitchen cooking, ironing,
living room
children´s bedroom
How the English live
An average Englishman likes to live in his own house. Houses are made of red bricks, stone and wood. The houses usually have from four to six rooms, two floors, small front and back gardens. On the ground floor there is a hall, a kitchen, a living room with a fireplace, and on the first floor there are parents´ and children´s bedrooms and a bathroom.The prices of houses depend on the area – the most expensive are the houses in London and South England.
Life in town and in the country:
Add some more items and fill in the “In the country“ column. Then try to speak using the phrases like: on the one hand / on the other hand, in my opinion…
In the town (especially in Prague) In the country
many cars, people
air pollution, smog, noise
high criminality rate
high / low prices
more job opportunities
more schools
better entertainment / night life
Lifestyle is the way a person or a group of people lives.
There are many lifestyles in the world. Some lifestyles are quite common (obyčejný, běžný), some are very extraordinary. They always reflect (odrážet) the people´s attitudes (postoje), values (hodnoty) and opinions on politics, religion, moral, money, body, eating meat, work, peace and war, etc.
There are e.g. hippies and workoholics, criminals and homeless people, vegetarians (vegies) and feminists, and many others.
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